Hopefully when you obtained your vehicle insurance policy, you opted for Collision coverage and Uninsured Motorist Coverage protection. In most instances when you apply for your vehicle insurance you are given the option to select Uninsured Motorist Coverage protection. If you elect not to carry this coverage your insurance company may request that you sign a waiver indicating that you are denying this particular coverage as part of your vehicle insurance policy contract.
If your insurance carrier determines that the other driver caused the accident and has no insurance coverage of their own this person would be considered as uninsured. In most instances your collision coverage or Uninsured Motorist Property Damage coverage may take care of the damages sustained to your vehicle. In addition, if you or passengers in your vehicle sustained injuries and you opted for Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage, you and your passengers will be able to have your injury claims handled by your insurance carrier as well.
The Uninsured Motorist protection for your policy, replaces the liability coverage the other party did not carry with a vehicle insurance carrier as required by their state’s liability insurance responsibility laws. After your Uninsured Motorist claim is resolved, your insurance company will usually go after the responsible uninsured party for the damages paid out via your policy for the accident.